about me…

I’m a deep thinker, a big feeler and all round general sensitive soul. It's taken a little while to get here! To a place where I view my sensitivity as a gift and to realise I can use it to make positive change in the world.

I’ve finally found my style, the true expression of the ideas and colours and patterns that have always been swirling around inside of me. I love the gradients that streak across the sky at sunset, the infinite folds and ruffles to be found when you look closer at the petals of a peony, the shapes and tones of clouds as they morph, the way that sunlight dances and dazzles on the ocean. This natural splendour is the inspiration for the art I create.

I know I’m here to change the way the world works - and if you’re reading this, you’re probably part of that revolution. Along the way I’ve met so many soul led, heart centred, beautiful talented people who have incredible gifts - I want to help these people give their gifts to the people who need it. And this is the place where my design skills and creativity come together, where we can create ripples of change in the world together.

It is my hope that my art will spark joy, to touch and awaken. To bring calm amongst the chaos and soothe souls, creating a sense of peace and calm. I want it put you in touch with you soul, to take you away on a dream, to lift you to higher states of consciousness.

I want to encourage and guide you to shine your light too, to feel hope, to feel love. To become immersed, elevated, to give you the courage and confidence to bring your gifts to the world.

And together we will make the world a better place.

Claire x