the light of love oracle deck

A Magical Collaboration

a stage to convey your message, build profound connections with your community, and wholeheartedly express your soul's purpose to
make a profound difference in the worlD


Don’t go blindly into the dark,
In every one of us shines the light of love.”

I want to close my eyes because I fear my heart will break,
I want to look away… I must not look away.”

Florence + The Machine

At this time of great duality, when the intensity of light flooding the planet also casts great shadows and illuminates darkness, when more souls are awakening to the truth of their existence; your love and wisdom is eagerly awaiting by those navigating these choppy waters, to guide, inspire and uplift them in this new paradigm. And to help them remember The Light of Love that shines in them.

And as your light touches them, it ripples out to all they touch.
Imagine the exponential reach as we join together, reaching significantly more souls than we could alone.

We are the way-showers, the lighthouses, the lightworkers and together our light is brighter, stronger, more potent.

The Light of Love Oracle Deck shares the love and wisdom of
powerful women, goddesses, priestesses - yes, you - who have been on their own journey of awakening and are passionate about sharing their unique gifts with the world, who know to do so is an act of service.


You have a mission, a message and are committed to getting your unique message to the people who need to hear it, who you know will be touched, changed, forever altered for hearing it.

This magical collaboration is for spiritual women leaders, healers and teachers who are eager to share their wisdom, their stories, their voice with not only their communities, but the communities of other heart-centred spiritual entrepreneurs. Who want to reach more people and attract their soul-aligned clients, clients they are passionate about working with.

You would love to have an oracle deck, but aren’t quite ready to invest tens of thousands of pounds/dollars to create your deck or spend a year writing and editing your deck, spending time getting it printed and published, yet see this could be as a valuable stepping stone towards creating your own decks and books if you desired. It’s for those who feel the call, but prefer the simplicity of contributing to a collaborative, ready-made deck. You will only need to write the message for your cards and bio, and share the deck with your community.

It’s for women who are prepared to swiftly enhance their business and credibility in a strategically aligned and effective manner to distinguish themselves as experts in their field and spread their unique light into the world.

Who are eager to join a dynamic collaboration of 22 women leaders, working together to create, promote, and expand your reach and the influence of this oracle deck.

“Your purpose is not the thing you do. It is the thing that happens in others when you do what you do.”

How will it work?

Each author will write two cards on the theme ‘The Light of Love’ - this is your opportunity to impart your wisdom and give guidance and hope to those seeking it. It’s also your chance for people to learn how how wonderful your are too! Tap into your inner wisdom, your intuition, to determine what your message will be.

You can choose to:

1 - Write your card descriptions and message and I will tune into your words and create a piece of artwork that expresses this message


2 - Receive a channeled piece of artwork from me, whereby I tune into your energy and essence, to act as a visual prompt to intuit your card descriptions and message from.

Different people work in different ways and I am happy to create in either way.

The deck will feature a guidebook detailing each card’s messages, as well as a bio about you and your contact details.

We will project manage the publishing, printing and distribution of the oracle deck: all done for you.

Two bespoke pieces of art will be created for you based on your unique energy, essence and message, one for each card. Each piece is highly detailed and will be unique to you.

You will receive two visually beautiful and stunning pieces of unique creative artwork that unveils your soul’s true beauty to others and connects in a way that helps illuminate your presence.

You may already have artwork displayed in your office, home space, therapy room or to take to workshops with you – but these pieces will be channeled through your own vibration and could be used for you to display, a tangible expression of your energy, an instant form of communication.

You will also be able to use your finished pieces of artwork on your social media accounts, website, etc and I will supply you with high resolution files for this purpose.

You will be part of an oracle deck, your words will be included in the guidebook and you will also have two pieces of artwork created just for you, to use in a variety of ways.

Your network will expand expontentailly and you will make many beautiful new connections.

The Whole is Greater Than The Sum of It’s Parts


  • Card artwork by professional designer and artist

  • Cover, Box and Booklet design of deck by professional designer

  • Professional proof reading & editing of your writing

  • Graphics to promote the deck on your social media and website

  • Royalties made from sales of the deck


  • All printing and distribution costs taken care of

  • Oracle deck sold globally

A Copy of ‘The Light of Love’ Oracle Deck - featuring you!


I am a collage artist and graphic designer taking inspiration everywhere - cloud formations, steam rising from a candlelit bath, the iridescence of a sea shell, the tight ruffle of a rose, prisms of light beaming through the window on a sunny day - I weave together hundreds of photographs to create radiant, light-filled art, full of hope and love to soothe your soul and create a sense of calm.

My work has been descibed by others as ‘portals of healing’, ‘an out of body experience’, ‘taking you to a different state of consciousness’ and that it ‘soothes your soul’. As an intuitive, spiritual, creative artist and designer, the art I create is channeled through me and infused with the energy of the natural elements woven within the many layers of each piece; my ethereal, dreamy, feminine style is perfect for spiritual business owners.

I’ve come to realise the art I create is channeled, high vibrational, full of light. It heals, activates and soothes and is thought provoking, in much the same way your words are. And that’s why I want to join forces with you.

We are part of this awakening, this ascension, and we have work to do!

To have a really powerful deck the artwork needs to be so nuanced, it has to have depth in order for the reader to take what they need from it and I think this is why my work lends itself naturally to oracle decks.

One of my favourite quotes is by Victoria Erickson and this sums up the process really well:

“An artist is typically a being that is filled with so much passion, love, or pain for certain lands, people, ideas or images that all they can do with that overflow is bleed it out by creating.

And with this type of art, the energy will be shifted from the depths of them and into the depths of the audience to be felt.

It is a dance. A transference. An intimacy. It is to touch and awaken another human in a place they hadn’t known was aching, or sleeping.

Both are opened. Both are nourished. Both are transformed.”

And this is what happens with a deck, it’s a transference of energy, an expression of message.

Examples of my work can be seen below:


  • A total of 22 heart-centred female spiritual leaders, healers and teachers. This project is invitation/application only to create a sacred energy container, maintaining the highest integrity and aligned energy and message.

    We are gathering a whole spectrum of women: energy workers, astrologers, spiritual business leaders and more. What's important is that they are grounded in their spirituality and 'on their game' - committed to their work and their message/mission.

    Everything is energy, and therefore the energy in which this deck is created and birthed will be felt by all those who come into contact with it. It is very important to me that this project is created in the highest integrity, intention and openness, from a place of love, ultimately, with only the highest good for all involved.

    We are creating a beautiful sisterhood, stronger and more powerful together.

  • Having an oracle deck enhances authenticity and elevates your profile, setting you apart as an expert in your field.

    Your writing, biography and contact details will be featured in the oracle guidebook and your name will appear on the oracle deck box for all to see.

    One of the most powerful marketing tools is having customers who love your product so much that they share it willingly with others. An oracle deck provides the chance to achieve this on a large scale with minimal effort. Unlike a book or a piece of artwork, it’s a visually appealing product that people use regularly. Users often share their readings, insights, and messages on social media using their favourite card decks. This is an incredibly effective way to reach a wider audience.

    Not only will it expose you to to new audiences who buy and use the deck because they follow Author X or Y, collect beautiful eye-catching decks, or simply because they like the premise of the idea, but every person that likes a social media post or e-mail about the deck, will also learn of you your services.

    This is an opportunity to be part of a unique project, there is great marketability in the uniqueness of the gathering of so many powerful women and messages within one oracle deck.

    And so the sky is the limit. There will be financial renumeration in terms of royalties, however the true gold is unquantifable: the places it will take you, the connections you will make, the people you will reach, the work it could lead to; there is a huge compound effect in collaboration and incredible potency in the unification of powerful women.

  • First draft (need only be a simple description, to then be refined and edited) of your card messages submitted in 3-4 weeks after initial payment. Or if using artwork creation as a prompt, this will be sent to you 3-4 weeks after initial investment and your first draft will be required 3-4 weeks afterwards.

    Once places are secured, there is flexibility in this to begin after summer; these guidelines are suggested simply to maintain momentum.

    Project begins July 2024.

    Project complete Q1 - Q2 2025

    Published Q2 - Q3 2025

    Or earlier if possible!

  • Write two card descriptions and your bio for the booklet. Everything else - all artwork, design, formatting, editing, printing, publishing, shipping and distribution is included. Maximum simplicity for you.

  • This is your creative license to write whatever you feel based on the theme ‘The Light of Love’.

    Someone picks your card from the deck, what words of wisdom would you want them to read, what would you want them to feel reading your words? What is your message?

    This is a collaborative project so we can talk this through to prompt inspiration. Or you may already have a very clear idea of what your message is already!

    Writing prompts can also be supplied.

    I trust implicitly that your words will be exactly what is needed.

  • I create collages using hundreds of photos, each piece of artwork takes days to create. I work with a lot of natural images as I believe everything has it’s own energetic signature - the petals of a rose, the way the sun sparkles like infinite diamonds on the surface of the ocean. And it's what I am intuitively drawn to work with! The colours and images in this deck will carry their very own frequency to activate, inspire and elevate us.

    I don't use AI generated images, as whilst it is an incredible tool, I don't feel it is right for this work as there is an essence, an energy that is missing. Some publishers are now refusing to use artwork that has been AI generated.

    Each piece for each card will be a unique, high vibrational piece of art.


    There will be an initial print run of 1000 decks, we will work with printers used by the majority of major oracle deck publishers, so we achieve the highest quality. The deck will feature a rigid box.

    I have 20 years experience as a graphic designer working in agencies alongside printers, and am well versed in creating print ready artwork.


    • The deck will be promoted both pre and post launch extensively:

    • Social Media marketing, posts and reels

    • Process and progress will be shared online during creation phase to create anticipation

    • E-mail marketing

    • Advertising in Om Yoga magazine - reach over 325,000

    • Advertising in Kindred Spirit magazine - reach over 180,000

    • Banner ad in Kindred Spirit Monthly email newsletter.

    • Give copies to influential coaches, tarot readers, psychic mediums, Reiki practitioners, astrologers, etc to use within their readings and client sessions in return for promotional posts/reading on social media

    • ’Book launch’ held in independent bookstore TBC

    Focus will be placed when marketing on the uniqueness and potency of many powerful female spiritual leader's and entrepreneur's guidance being available in one deck.

    I will supply graphics for you to make it easy for you to share on your social media pages and e-mails to market the deck. You can also share my posts detailing progress, to build excitement and those of our fellow authors.

    I will also write right posts on you and all our authors to promote your services.


    • Sold on Amazon and my own website

    • Sold at The Mind, Body, Spirit Show, London Olympia, bi-annually - 30,000 visitors over 5 days

    • In talks with independent book stores

    • ISBN and barcode created in order to approach distributors to main bookstores

    • Registered with Nielsen

    • Offer healers, coaches and practioners the opportunity to sell within their practises.

    • In talks with digital deck distributor

    As a collaboration, your ideas and contacts are also welcome!

  • Yes - this is our joint project and so each author will receive 2% of all profits made from sales of the oracle deck. We are all invested in the success of this project.

    The first payment will be made 3 months after the deck goes on sale and quarterly thenceforth.

  • Yes, if you would like to sell the oracle deck on your own website, in book stores, fairs, etc, copies can be puchased at cost price and sent to you to distribute and sell. All profit/royalties made from these sales is yours to keep.

  • The investment will be £1111, which covers all artwork, design, printing, publishing, shipping and distribution costs. This can be paid in full or in installments


one-time payment




Two monthly installments of £565

It would be my absolute pleasure to co-create with you on this sacred project and I look forward to exploring this with you.

Claire x